Shad Darsigny

2020 Pan American Championships

Q1: What was the first competition where you represented Team Canada? When was it?

2020 Pan American Championships

Q2: Did you compete in other sports before weightlifting? If yes, which ones and at what level?


Q3: Why do you compete in weightlifting?

Because it’s the main sport in my family and to improve myself

Q4: What do you most enjoy about training?

The people I train with and the atmosphere in the gym

Q5: What do you enjoy the least about training?


Q6: What are your short term goals for weightlifting (1-2 years)?

To compete at the Commonwealth Games in 2022

Q7: What are your long term goals for weightlifting? (3 + years)

Compete at the Olympics

Q8: What has been your proudest moment in weightlifting?

To have qualified to compete at the Pan American Championships

Q9: What are your top 3 achievements in weightlifting so far?

Number 1. 1st place in the 73kg weight class at Canadian Juniors in 2020

Number 2. Placing 3rd in the 73kg at the Senior Championships in 2019

Number 3. Placing 2nd at the Junior Canadian Championships in 2019

Q10: Are you currently studying or working in addition to your weightlifting career? If yes, what are you doing?

Yes I am attending CEGEP in human sciences administration profile

Q11: What are your plans after your weightlifting career is over?

I am still young and don’t yet have a plan for the future

Q12: Who is your weightlifting role model and why?

Yvan Darsigny because he competed at the Olympics twice in weightlifting and he is my father.

Coach: Yvan Darsigny

Weight Category: 73 kg

Favourite Lift: Snatch

Hometown: Saint-Simon, Quebec