Emma Friesen

Q1: What was the first competition where you represented Team Canada? When was it?

2021 Jr Worlds in Uzbekistan

Q2: Did you compete in other sports before weightlifting? If yes, which ones and at what level?


Q3: Why do you compete in weightlifting?

I compete because it is fun

Q4: What do you most enjoy about training?

I enjoy the team camaraderie in the gym.

Q5: What do you enjoy the least about training?


Q6: What has been your proudest moment in weightlifting?

Competing at 2022 Commonwealth games

Q7: What are your top 3 achievements in weightlifting so far?

Number 1. Going to Commonwealth Games

Number 2. Getting gold at 2022 Jr panams

Number 3. Going to 2022 Jr worlds

Q8: Are you currently studying or working in addition to your weightlifting career? If yes, what are you doing?

I am currently studying to be a personal trainer.

Q9: What are your plans after your weightlifting career is over?

My plans for after my weightlifting career would be to start coaching.

Q10: Who is your weightlifting role model and why?

Mary Theisen-Lappen, she is a super that I can relate to and she has worked hard to be where she is and to be as good as she is.

Coach: Yvan Darsigny

Weight Category: 87+

Favourite Lift: Clean and Jerk

Hometown: Edmonton, AB