The Two Lifts

The Olympic Lifts


The Snatch

The snatch is the first movement executed in a weightlifting competition. The barbell is placed horizontally in front of the lifter’s legs. The grip of the athlete on the barbell is wide, palms downward. The barbell is lifted in a single movement from the platform to the hips, while progressively extending the legs and hips. The barbell may slide along the shins and thighs. Then, in a continuous movement, the athlete keeps pulling the bar close to the abdomen and the chest while jumping into a squat position, with both arms extended above the head. After the athlete has recovered from the squat position, the weight must be maintained in the final motionless position, arms and legs extended, the feet on a line parallel to the barbell, until the referees give the signal to replace the barbell on the platform.


The Clean and Jerk

The clean and jerk is the second movement executed in a weightlifting competition.

The Clean 

The barbell is placed horizontally in front of the lifter’s legs. The grip of the athlete on the barbell is a bit wider than the shoulders, palms downward. The barbell is lifted in a single movement from the platform to the hips, while progressively extending the legs and hips. The barbell may slide along the shins and thighs. Then, in a continuous movement, the athlete keeps pulling the bar close to the chest while jumping into a squat position, with the arms bent and the barbell sitting on the shoulders and clavicles. As the bar remains on the shoulders and clavicles, the athlete recovers from the squat to finish legs extended with the feet on the same line, parallel to the barbell.  

The Jerk 

The athlete bends the legs and extends them rapidly in a jumping motion and pushes the bar simultaneously with the arms to place it over the head, arms fully extended. The athlete may decide to move the feet in a split or to the sides, which can lead to a squat. He or she returns the feet to the same line; arms and legs fully extended. The weight must be maintained in the final motionless position until the referees give the signal to replace the barbell on the platform.


Incorrect movements and positions for all lifts

  • Touching the barbell with the feet before lifting the weight.
  • Pulling from the hang.
  • Touching the platform with any part of the body other than the feet.
  • Uneven or incomplete extension of the arms, at the finish of the lift.
  • Pause during the extension of the arms (press-out).
  • Bending and extending the elbows during the recovery(pess-out).
  • Leaving the platform during the execution of the lift, i.e. touching the area outside the platform with any part of the body.
  • Replacing the barbell on the platform before the referees’ signal.
  • Dropping the barbell without controlling the descent after the referees’ signal.
  • Failing to finish with the feet and the barbell in line and parallel to the plane of the trunk.
  • Failing to replace the complete barbell on the platform, i.e. the complete barbell must first touch the platform.